Saturday, February 4, 2012

Israel's False-Flag Operations Against Iran

According to leaked CIA memos, Israel began false-flag operations against Iran during the second term of George W. Bush. Israeli agents used American dollars and passports when they offered assistance to Jundalla, a terrorist group that has killed Iranian officials and civilians. Jundallah wants independence from Iran because its followers are Sunni and the Iranian government is Shiite. The purpose of the Israeli operation was to create the perception in Tehran that America is bankrolling a separatist group that is trying to break the country up.

If Great Britain wanted to create hostilities between the United States and Canada, it might try mislead Ottawa into believing that Washington was arming militant separatists who wanted to gain sovereignty for Quebec. Britain could create this perception if British agents who were disguised as American operatives offered Quebecois militants arms and money. If Washington learned of an operation like that, it would be less likely to cooperate with Britain; it might even temporarily recall its ambassador or suspend diplomatic ties. But Washington had no public response when the CIA learned of Israel's false-flag operations against Iran. America gives Israel over $2 billion in aid every year.

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