According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in 1970, California had the seventh best educated labor force in the country in terms of the percentage of its workers who had completed high school. By 2008, California had dropped to dead last when the states are ranked by this measure.
The cause of the decline is California's immigrant population. If immigrants are excluded, California's work force is better educated than average.
No mainstream politicians in either party call for reducing immigration to the U.S. Most Democrats and many centrist Republicans actually want to increase immigration by giving an amnesty to illegal immigrants.
It is interesting to ask why immigration has the unanimous support of the political class when immigrants make the country less educated and America already has a surplus of some 25 million workers who are involuntarily unemployed or working part time when they want full time work.
The consensus is related to the fact that equality has displaced God and Christianity as the core value in America's public morality. Our elites laugh about traditional morality, and they are horrified by the old view that equated America with its founding Protestant European stock. What the elites now hold sacred is the idea that people of all races and creeds have the same intellectual aptitudes and political tendencies. In the elite's eyes, American immigration policy proves the truth of this moral principle. Opponents of immigration are seen as cranks or worse because they reject the most important moral principle in American public life.
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