Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Gorge Amphitheater

Sunset transformed the Gorge Amphitheater into a scene of terrifying beauty. Black and white was a poor choice for these pictures because it eliminated the stunning colors that the sunset produced. I also used a shooting mode - probably shutter speed priority - that overexposed the pictures.

Edit: Shutter speed priority mode produced overexposed shots when I took pictures on Puget Sound before Luke and I climbed Mt. Rainier. The exposures were better when I used program shooting mode and the center-weighted exposure meter. Aperture priority with the center-weighted exposure meter also produced appropriately exposed shots on the Sound. The pictures of the Gorge Amphitheater were probably overexposed because I was using shutter speed priority mode.

May 24, 2009

Columbia River Gorge

I took these pictures with my Canon Powershot A590 in aperture priority mode, which overexposed each shot. Edit: I may be wrong that I was using aperture priority mode. When I took pictures on Puget Sound a month later, aperture priority produced good exposures and shutter speed priority produced overexposures.

The photos above show the U.S. 97 bridge over the Columbia River as we approached from the west on Interstate 84. We were driving from Portland to the Sasquatch Music Festival.

May 23, 2009