Oh, isn't the world extremely flat / With nothing whatever to grumble at
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Before Andrew's Wedding
Some people pack when they travel, others buy what they need when they get there. Brent and Gabe fall in the latter category. After they picked up necessaries at the local K Mart, we decided to pass the time remaining before the wedding by having a couple of beers outside the hotel. Aaron practiced his best man's toast. His deadpan praise of Andrew's moral character made me double over with laughter. The rain diminished to a drizzle and a bottle of Becks swiftly killed my hangover. We made comedy from the raw materials of defamation, absurdity, and bad taste.
John Belushi lives.
A pose reminiscent of Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner, when Roy Batty dies.
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